Stay Connected
Keep your card up to date so your connections never have to worry if they have your latest info. Go beyond your contact information and maintain your business relationships by providing more about you and your business. Your connections are your business partners, potential clients and people you've worked with in the past. Make it easy for them to stay in touch and keep them engaged with the QT they've come to expect.
Continual Customization
Your connections can update the information you see on their card any time and you can naturally do the same.
Individual Customization
If you want an individual connection to, say, have your mobile number. Go to that connection card, flip it over, and tap edit. When you save changes here only the individual connection card gets the update.
Global Updates
If something major changes (like your office address or phone number) just make the change to your General Card on the Send Card tab and save. Every card you have will get the update. We'll preserve any individual card customizations.
View your Connections
You can view a connection's card anytime (on or offline) tap a button to make contact or press to copy their contact info. Tap the card image to flip the card over.
Then you can see exactly what info you are sharing by tapping your card's contact buttons.